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Responsive pagination component for React. Just give it a total number of items and the current offset. It then calls a handler with the new offset as needed.

pagination component


  • Lightweight UI component. Doesn't care about data, caching or state. Send it the total items and current offset, and it renders the correct interface.
  • Responsive, with a container query to show the right amount of pages
  • Gracefully supports unlimited pages
  • Automatically hides next/prev buttons when not needed
  • Customizable labels
  • Default CSS with light/dark mode available
  • CSS module support can override internal styles with a custom module



npm install @unleashit/pagination


import React from 'react';
import Pagination from '@unleashit/pagination';
import Articles from './Articles';
import { getTotalRowsFromDB, getPageFromDB } from './api';

const perPage = 10;

function PaginationDemo() {
// The main thing you have to do is keep track of the changed offset
// Pagination doesn't care about the list data,
// only the current offset and total number of items
const [totalRows, setTotalRows] = useState<number>();
const [data, setData] = useState<any[]>();
const [offset, setOffset] = useState(0);

useEffect(() => {
// Basic example without caching or error handling
// example to get the count(*) from the DB
// example to get a page of data starting at the offset
// and ending with the perPage amount
getPageFromDB({ offset, limit: perPage }),
]).then(([total, page]) => {
}, [offset]);

// handler is called whenever the user clicks on a page, next or prev buttons
// and is provided the new offset corresponding with the button the user clicked.
// For example, if perPage is set to 10 and the user clicks page 3,
// the handler will be called with 20 (page 1 = 0, page 2 = 10, page 3 = 20, etc.).
const paginationHandler = (newOffset: number) => {

if (!data) return <div>Loading...</div>;
if (!totalRows || !data.length) return <div>No items found.</div>;

return (
<Articles data={data} />


By default, all components come with basic css styling in two formats: standard (BEM namespaced) and a CSS Module friendly version.

To use the standard version, import it like: import '@unleashit/pagination/dist/pagination.css'. Or if you are using CSS Modules you can import css from '@unleashit/pagination/dist/pagination.module.css' and provide to the cssModule prop and/or use your own custom module targeting the internal class names.

See styling-and-theming for more info.

CSS Custom Properties

You can get pretty far without having to write any custom CSS. By supplying a cssVars prop, you can override any of the CSS variables of the default css.

See styling-and-theming for more info.

Dark mode

Setting the darkMode prop activates dark mode.

See Dark Mode for more info.



export interface PaginationProps {
currentOffset: number;
handler: PaginationHandler;
total: number;
perPage?: number;
prevLabel?: string;
nextLabel?: string;
darkMode?: boolean;
cssVars?: CSSVars<typeof varNames>;
cssModule?: Record<string, string>;


Handler to be called when user clicks a page or prev/next buttons. It will be provided the next offset based on their selection. Use it to change the displayed page.

export type PaginationHandler = (newOffset: number) => void;